Note Taking Methods to Do Better in College College can feel like a whirlwind of information coming at you from all...
How to Find Out GPA in College and High School
How to Find Out GPA Knowing how to find out GPA and calculate it correctly is essential whether you're in college or...
Managing High Expectations in College: for Students and Parents
High expectations can be a double-edged sword when it comes to college. On the one hand, they can motivate students to...
From Incredible Teacher to Tough Professor: The Shocking Shift Students Face in College
From Incredible Teacher to Tough Professor The transition from high school to college is a significant leap, and one...
Kurtis Vanderpool Honored as Top Life Coach for Young Adults by Life Coach Magazine
Top Life Coach for Young Adults is at The College Success Coach We are thrilled to announce that Kurtis Vanderpool,...
Dorm Roommate Rules: Your First Year of College Living With Someone Else
Dorm Roommate Living So, you're excited about your first year in college and finally getting out of the house, but are...
Get Prepared for College while Enjoying Your Summer: A Guide for High School Graduates
Congratulations, you made it out of the 18-year sentence of school! Now, you’re probably feeling a mix of emotions,...